Index of Names
of „Anonymous SHAKES-SPEARE“
Accolti, Bernardo
Alba, Duke of (Don Fernando Álvarez de Toledo y Pimentel)
Alençon, Hercule-François, Duc de
Alfonso II d'Este, Duke of Ferrara
Alleyn, Edward
Apuleius, Lucius
Argall, John
Ariosto, Ludovico
Armin, Robert
Arundel, Earl of, see: Howard, Philip
Arundell, Charles
Babington, Anthony
Bacon, Francis
Bandello, Matteo
Barrell, Charles Wisner
Baxter, Nathaniel
Bedingfield, Sir Thomas
Belleforest, François de
Biron, Seigneur de
Boaistuau, Pierre
Boccaccio, Giovanni di
Bossy, John A.
Blomberg, Barbara
Brooke, Arthur
Bruno, Giordano (Nolano)
Bryson, Bill
Bullough, Geoffrey
Burbage, James
Burbage, Richard
Burghley, Lady, see: Cooke, Mildred
Burghley, Lord, see: Cecil, William
Bussy d'Amboise, Louis de
Cardano, Girolamo
Carey, George, 2nd Baron Hunsdon
Carey, Henry, 1st Baron Hunsdon
Castiglione, Baldassare
Catarina de Medici
Catull (Gaius Valerius Catullus)
Cecil, Anne, Countess of Oxford
Cecil, Sir Robert (1st Earl of Salisbury)
Cecil, William, Lord Burghley
Chambers, Sir Edmund K.
Chapman, George
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Chettle, Henry
Cinthio, see: Giraldi Cinthio
Clapham, John
Condé, Prince de, see: Henri I de Bourbon
Condell, Henry
Coningsby, Humphrey
Cooke, Mildred, Lady Burghley
Cromwell, Sir Thomas
Daniel, Samuel
Dante, Alighieri
Davies of Hereford, John
Dekker, Thomas
Derby, Earl of, see: Stanley
Detobel, Robert
Devereux, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex
Drake, Sir Francis
Drayton, Michael
Droeshout, Martin
Dudley, John, Duke of Northumberland
Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester
Dutton, John & Laurence
Dyer, Edward
Edwards, Richard
Edwards, Thomas
Elderton, William
Elizabeth I, Queen
Erasmus von Rotterdam
Eric, Prince of Sweden
Essex, Earl of, see: Devereux
Fagot, Henry, see: Bruno, Giordano
Fénélon, Bertrand de Salignac de la Mothe
Field, Richard
Fiorentino, Giovanni
Fletcher, Giles
Fletcher, Lawrence
Florio, John
Fortescue, Sir John
Francesco I de Medici, Duke of Florenz
Francesco II Sforza, Duke of Milan
Francesco Maria I della Rovere, Duke of Urbino
Franco, Veronica
François I, King of France
Frobisher, Martin
Gager, William
Gascoigne, George
Giraldi Cinthio, Giambattista
Golding, Arthur
Golding, Margery, Countess of Oxford
Gonzaga, Eleonora
Gonzaga, Guglielmo, Duke of Mantua and Montferrat
Gonzaga Luigi, Marchese di Castelgoffredo
Gonzaga, Ludovico, Duke of Nevers
Gosson, Stephen
Greene, Robert
Greville, Sir Fulke
Guildenstern, Nicholas
Guise, Duc de, see: Lorraine, Henri de
Hakluyt, Richard
Harington, Sir John
Harvey, Gabriel
Hathaway, Anne
Hatton, Sir Christopher
Hawkins, Sir John (Hacquin)
Heminge(s), John
Henri de Navarre (Henri IV)
Henri I de Bourbon, Prince de Condé
Henri III, King of France
Henry IV
Henry VIII
Henslowe, Philip
Hentzner, Paulus
Herbert, Mary, Countess of Pembroke
Herbert, Philip, 1st Earl of Montgomery (4. Earl of Pembroke)
Herbert, William, 3. Earl of Pembroke
Heywood, Thomas
Holland, H[ubert] H[enry]
Horaz (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)
Howard, Charles, 2nd Baron of Effingham, 1st Earl of Nottingham
Howard, Henry, Earl of Surrey
Howard, Henry, Lord (1st Earl of Northampton)
Howard, Philip, Earl of Arundel and Surrey
Howard, Thomas, Duke of Norfolk
Howard, Thomas, Lord
Hunsdon, Baron, see: Carey
Jaggard, William
James I, King of England
James VI, King of Scotland, see: James I
Jeffery, Violet M.
John Casimir, Count Palatine of Pfalz-Simmern
John of Austria, see: Juan d'Austria
John, Duke of Finland
Jonson, Ben
Juan d'Austria, Don (John of Austria)
Kempe, William
Knyvet, Sir Thomas
Kreiler, Kurt
Kyd, Thomas
Lee, John
Leicester, Earl of, see: Dudley, Robert
Lewis, C. S.
Livius, Titus
Lodge, Thomas
Longueville, Léonor d'Orléans (Longaville)
Looney, J. Thomas
Lorraine, Charles de, Duc de Mayenne (Duc Dumain)
Lorraine, Henri de, Duc de Guise
Louis VI, Elector Palatine of the Rhine
Lyly, John (alias Pap Hatchet)
Manners, Edward, 3. Earl of Rutland
Manners, Sir Roger
Marguerite de Valois
Marlowe, Christopher
Marston, John
Mary Tudor, Queen of Scotland
Mathew, Toby, Archbishop of York
Mauvissière, Michel de Castelnau
Maximilian II, Holy Roman Emperor
Mayenne (Main), Duc de, see: Lorraine, Charles de
Medina Sidonia, Duke of, see: Pérez de Guzmán, Alonso
Mendoza, Bernardino de
Meres, Francis
Montaigne, Michel de
Montemayor, Jorge de
Montgomery, Earl of, see: Herbert, Philip
Montmorency, François Duc de
Motley, John Lothrop
Mulay Mohammed, Prinz
Munday, Anthony
Nashe, Thomas
Neale, Sir John E.
Nelson, Alan H.
Nigrone, Baptista
Norfolk, Duke of, see: Howard, Thomas
Norris, Sir John
Northumberland, Earl of, see: Percy
Nottingham, Earl of, see: Howard, Charles
Nowell, Lawrence
Orange, Prince William of
Ovid (Ovidius Naso)
Oxford, Earl of, see: Vere
Peacham, John Jr.
Peacham, John Sr.
Peele, George
Pembroke, Earl of, see: Herbert
Pérez de Guzmán, Alonso, Duke of Medina Sidonia
Petrarca, Francesco
Phelippes, Thomas
Philipp II, King of Spain
Phillips, Augustine
Pighius, Stephan Vinandus
Pontano, Giovanni Giovano
Pope, Thomas
Popham, Sir John
Puttenham, George
Radcliffe, Thomas, Earl of Sussex
Rainolds, John
Raleigh, Sir Walter (or: Ralegh)
Roe, Richard Paul
Romano, Giulio
Ronsard, Pierre de
Roper, David L.
Rowe, Nicholas
Rutland, Earl of, see: Manners, Edward
Saxo Grammaticus
Scala, Bartolomeo della
Schott, Franciscus
Sebastian, King of Portugal
Selden, John
Seymour, Edward, Duke of Somerset
Seymour of Sudely, 1st Baron Thomas
Shakespeare, William (Pseudonym)
Shaksper, John
Shaksper, Susanna
Shaksper, William
Shrewsbury, Earl of, see: Talbot, Gilbert
Sidney, Sir Philip
Sixtus V, Pope
Smith, Sir Thomas
Somerset, Duke of, see: Seymour, Edward
Southampton, Earl of, see: Wriothesley, Henry
Spenser, Edmund
Spinola, Benedict & Pasquino
Stanley, William, 6. Earl of Derby
Straparola, Francesco
Stuart, Maria, Queen of Scotland
Sturmius, Johannes
Surrey, Earl of, see: Howard, Henry
Sussex, Earl of, see: Radcliffe, Thomas
Talbot, Gilbert (7. Earl of Shrewsbury)
Thorpe, Thomas
Throckmorton, Francis
Trentham, Elizabeth, Countess of Oxford
Trentham, Francis
Twain, Mark
Twyne, Thomas
Tycho Brahe
Vasari, Giorgio
Vavasour, Anne
Vere, Aubrey de, 2nd Earl of Oxford
Vere, Bridget de (Baroness Norris of Rycote)
Vere, Edward, Sir
Vere, Elizabeth de (Countess of Derby)
Vere, Francis
Vere, Henry de (18. Earl of Oxford)
Vere, John de, 16. Earl of Oxford
Vere, Susan de (Countess of Montgomery)
Vergil (Publius Vergilius Maro)
Walsingham, Sir Francis
Ward, Bernard M.
Ward, Dr. John
Watson, Thomas
Webbe, William
Wells, Stanley
Wedel, Lupold von
Whitgift, John, Erzbischof
William the Conqueror (Wilhelm der Eroberer)
Willobie, Henry (Pseudonym)
Windsor, Frederick Baron
Windsor, Miles
Wriothesley, Henry, 3. Earl of Southampton